Along with the Application for Correction of Military Record, DD Form 149, you are allowed to submit a written “brief” to the Board for Correction of Military (or Naval) Records, explaining who you believe a records correction is warranted. Mr. Cassara will usually file a written submission, along with any supporting documents that justify the … Read more

The first step is to get copies of all of your military records. To get a copy of your military records, complete the SF-180, Request Pertaining to Military Records, (Fillable SF 180). You can go to this link, type in the information while the form is on screen in your browser, and then print out … Read more

Generally speaking, the application must be brought within three years of after the error is discovered. However, the board may excuse this filing period for “good cause.” Generally, the boards for correction of military (or Naval) records are fairly liberal in allowing people to file after the three year deadline.

Each service has a Board for Correction of Military (or Naval) Records. These are civilian boards, operating under the authority of the service secretary. They are empowered to correct nearly any error in a current or former service member’s record, including being passed over for promotion, appealing and adverse OER/NCOER, appealing a letter of reprimand, … Read more

You will be contacted by an attorney from the Defense Appellate Division for your service. If you are in confinement, the counselors can advise you as to how to contact that attorney. You should consider whether you want to retain a civilian attorney to represent you. Every case is different, and some lawyers are more … Read more

Courts of Criminal Appeals or the Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces can overturn a court-martial conviction in whole or in part. They can dismiss some or all of the charges. They can order a re-hearing, or “re-assess” the sentence of a trial court. An attorney with experience in court-martial appeals can best advise … Read more

In some cases, the court can order a “DuBay” hearing, in order to gather more facts about the issues raised on appeal. Or, the court can take action on your case without the filing of briefs or the hearing of oral argument.

There is no clear answer to this. In some cases, it can take years before all of the appeals are over.

Your appellate lawyer, whether it be an active duty JAG or a civilian attorney, is responsible for preparing a “brief” or written pleading, to present to the Court of Criminal Appeals. This is done by carefully reading the record of trial, or transcript, and identifying legal issues that may result in relief for the client. … Read more

An Army officer was suspected of conspiring with another officer to defraud the government of BAH funds. He knew he needed an experienced court martial attorney. After retaining Mr. Cassara, and after Mr. Cassara investigated the matter, no charges were brought against the officer. The matter is now closed and the officer will continue with … Read more