Mr. Cassara represented an Army NCO who was suspected of taking part in the murder of three Iraqi detainees. The NCO knew he needed an experienced court martial attorney. When the NCO first contacted Mr. Cassara he was facing multiple murder charges. After Mr. Cassara became involved he was able to resolve the case in a manner that involved no charges being brought against his client. While several of the officers and NCO’s involved in this case received considerable confinement at court-martial, Mr. Cassara’s client did not even go to court, allowing this reserve NCO to REFRAD and return to his civilian life. Mr. Cassara has represented a number of officers and NCO’s facing court-martial for alleged detainee abuse. If you are under investigation for this, or any other allegation, do not talk to CID, NCIS, AFOSI or your command without first speaking to an attorney. Say “I don’t want to make a statement, I want a lawyer.” Then call Mr. Cassara for a free consultation.