Obtained removal of GOMOR for Army officer accused of misconduct during deployment

Mr. Cassara represented an Army Special Forces officer who received a General Officer Memorandum of Reprimand (GOMOR) for allegedly allowing his troops to consume alcohol during a deployment, in violate of General Officer Order 1.  Mr. Cassara petitioned the Department of the Army Suitability Evaluation Board and proved that the consumption of alcohol during this deployment had been sanctioned by higher headquarters, but providing letters from several people who had not been questioned.  As a result, the Officer will be able to resume his career.  It was clear that the command did not do a thorough investigation, and that they were out to punish this officer.

If you have unfairly received derogatory information that is damaging your career, e-mail Mr. Cassara with the details. We have helped numerous service members with getting derogatory information removed from their files.