Mr. Cassara represented a former Army NCO who had been convicted at court-martial of drunk driving while in Japan, after he had received two Article 15’s for the drunk driving. The NCO received a bad conduct discharge at court-martial. Mr. Cassara petitioned the Army Discharge Review Board and, after a personal appearance in Washington, D.C., his discharge was upgraded to General (Under Honorable Conditions.) This may allow the NCO to reenlist and finish his career in the reserves, to obtain VA benefits he had lost, and to possibly obtain federal employment. None of which would likely have happened he still had the BCD.
If you would like to discuss your discharge with Mr. Cassara, send him an e-mail using the link on our homepage and provide the following: The service you were in, the date, type and reason for your discharge along with either your discharge paperwork or a brief summary of why you were discharged from the military. We have helped numerous former service members get their discharges upgraded.
If you need a court martial attorney or court martial appeal attorney, contact Mr. Cassara.