Contact Mr. Cassara by phone or by using the contact form on this page. Please include the following information: the date of your discharge, the reason for the discharge, the service you were in, and the type of discharge you received.
Discharge Upgrade
Yes. Appeals are generally submitted to the Board for Correction of Military Records, but can also be filed in Federal Court. In addition, you can ask the Discharge Review Board to reconsider its decision based on “newly discovered evidence.” Army Regulation (AR) 15-80, at, contains all of the information you need to know about the process.
Along with the Application for the Review of Discharge, DD Form 293, you are allowed to submit a written “brief” to the Discharge Review Board, explaining why you believe a Discharge Upgrade is warranted. Mr. Cassara will usually file a written submission, along with any supporting documents that justify the upgrade of your discharge. There are … Read more
The best reason to get your discharge upgraded is because the characterization of service you received was unfair, unjustified, or inequitable. An attorney with experience in military discharge upgrades can evaluate your request, and advise you of your chances of success. Examples of an unfair characterization of service include that the standards employed at the … Read more
You can request that your discharge be upgraded to Honorable, or any other characterization of service. We recommend requesting an Honorable Discharge in nearly all circumstances. Soldiers discharged under Other Than Honorable conditions after 1 October 1982 while in entry level status (less than 6 months service) may request upgrade to an uncharacterized discharge. To … Read more
The first step is to get copies of all of your military records. To get a copy of your military records, complete the SF-180, Request Pertaining to Military Records, (Fillable SF 180). You can go to this link, type in the information while the form is on screen in your browser, and then print out … Read more
Any administrative discharge, whether it resulted from an administrative board or not, can be upgraded, regardless of the characterization of service. In addition, discharges resulting from special court-martials can be upgraded. The Discharge Review Boards will not consider discharges resulting from a general court-martial.
Depending on your service, it can take six months to two years. Personal Appearances take longer than “records reviews.”