Recent Accomplishments

Court-Martial conviction overturned on appeal

July 30, 2016

I recently represented a Coast Guardsman who was convicted of sexual abuse of a child and a general disorder for making a statement to a child that was of a nature to bring discredit upon the armed forces.  Two days prior to the court-martial, the alleged minor victim completely changed his story from the conduct alleged … Read more

Former Airman’s Discharge Upgraded

October 17, 2015

General Discharge upgraded to Honorable. We have been representing a former Airman who was kicked out for a “personality disorder.” The military frequently uses this “catch all” for those they want to be rid of, especially those with mental health issues, including PTSD. As our client did not have six years active duty, he was … Read more

No Charges Against NCO Suspected of BAH Fraud

March 15, 2015

I have been representing an Army NCO who was suspected of BAH fraud. He called me after CID called him wanting an interview. I advised him to not speak to CID (which is what I always advise.) We then put together a rebuttal packet. We were able to convince the command to not prefer charges … Read more

Army Major’s Retirement and Career Saved

September 5, 2014

Mr. Cassara recently represented an Army Major at Fort Sill, OK who was charged with 68 specifications (charges) including cyber stalking, computer infiltration, larceny, fraud, extortion, fraternization, adultery and conduct unbecoming an officer.  After extensive negotiations, Mr. Cassara secured a plea agreement where his client would plead guilty to fraternization, adultery and conduct unbecoming an … Read more

Reversal of Court-Martial Conviction Upheld on Appeal

August 15, 2014

I recently posted how the Army Court of Criminal Appeals had reversed my client’s child sexual abuse conviction in U.S. v. Swift.  In a rare move, the government appealed that decision to the Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces.  Yesterday, the CAAF agreed with us, and denied the government’s appeal.  This means my client … Read more

Air Force Captain's Child Molestation Charges Reversed on Appeal

August 15, 2013

I recently represented an Air Force captain, who was convicted of sexually molesting his two step daughters.  Unfortunately, this is a scenario all too often where allegations are brought against a service member in the midst of a divorce.  My client has steadfastly maintained his innocence, and there was no physical evidence to link him … Read more

Sexual Assault Charges Thrown Out on Appeal

July 31, 2013

I previously reported on how I successfully had a client’s conviction for rape of a child thrown out on appeal by the Navy-Marine Corps Court of Criminal Appeals.  As I reported in that post, my client still had several convictions on his record.   Now, two more of those convictions have been overturned on appeal, this … Read more

Rape Convictions Overturned on Appeal

July 31, 2013

Mr. Cassara recently represented a soldier who was convicted of two separate rapes and sentenced to seven years confinement and a dishonorable discharge. Mr. Cassara argued on appeal that the soldier had been denied a fair trial when the military judge ruled that the prior sexual activities of the two alleged victims were inadmissible at … Read more

Court-Martial charges dropped

July 23, 2013

Mr. Cassara represented an Army Sergeant at Shaw AFB facing numerous charges including BAH fraud, making a false official statement and fraudulently obtaining several ARCOMs. among others.   Before Mr. Cassara was retained, the soldier had submitted a request for a Chapter 10, Discharge in Lieu of Court-Martial, which was denied.  As soon as Mr. Cassara … Read more

Officer's show cause board halted

July 8, 2013

Mr. Cassara represented an Army major who was pending a show cause Board at Fort Hood, Texas after receiving a GOMOR.   The show cause notice had already been published, and the officer was pending a board date.  Mr. Cassara filed a detailed rebuttal of the allegations in the GOMOR, which was the sole reason for … Read more