Mr. Cassara represented a Navy Lieutenant (0-3) who was passed over for promotion as a result of adverse OER’s. As a result, the officer was separated from the Naval Reserves. We petitioned the Board for Correction of Naval Records on the officer’s behalf, arguing that the adverse OER’s should be removed and the officer should … Read more
Correction of Miltiary Records
Mr. Cassara represented an Army officer who received a GOMOR downrange for fraternization and “creating a perception of fraternization.” The officer had filed an appeal with the Department of the Army Suitability Evaluation Board (DASEB) and been denied. He then retained Mr. Cassara to represent him before the Army Board for Correction of Military Records. … Read more
Mr. Cassara recently represented an Army major who was twice passed over for promotion to lieutenant colonel due to an adverse OER. The OER contained false information and was the sole basis for the officer being passed over for promotion. Mr. Cassara petitioned the Army Board for Correction of Military Records on the officer’s behalf, … Read more
Mr. Cassara represented an Army Major who was in the Army Guard Reserve (AGR.) When the major was young lieutenant he received an Article 15 for essentially being stupid. As a result, he left active duty and went into the Army Reserves, eventually going into the AGR. He made it to Major despite the Article … Read more
In my court-martial cases, you will see a post about an Army E-8 I represented who was charged with BAH and per diem fraud. After a contested trial, all charges were eventually dismissed. However, the Army came after him again, in an attempt to revoke his clearance. He was notified of the intent to revoke … Read more
A Marine reservist was discharged with an Other Than Honorable (OTH) discharge for allegedly not attending weekend drills. The Marine had petitioned the Navy Discharge Review Board for an upgrade but was denied after a “records review.” Then he hired Mr. Cassara. Mr. Cassara filed an extensive brief with the Navy Discharge Review Board and … Read more
Mr. Cassara represented an Army Colonel whose security clearance had been suspended and was pending revocation by the U.S. Army Central Clearance Facility (CCF.) The notice of intent to revoke his security clearance centered around his interaction with his soldiers while down range, and raised a number of serious allegations. He knew he needed an … Read more
An AF Master Sergeant had her clearance revoked for failing to pay debts, most of which were incurred due to illness. The AF originally notified her of the intention to revoke her clearance. She knew she needed an experienced security clearance lawyer and contacted Mr. Cassara for help. After filing a rebuttal to the proposed … Read more
I represented an Army Master Sergeant who received a GOMOR and adverse NCOER while downrange for alleged sexual harassment. The case was a travesty. His 1LT, who made false allegations against others and was dating the Battalion Commander, alleged that he hit on her. A 15-6 Investigation concluded he had committed the acts and he … Read more
Mr. Cassara represented a former Marine who had been discharged for use of cocaine before the Navy-Marine Corps Discharge Review Board (NDRB.) The former Marine had been discharged with an Other Than Honorable Discharge for use of cocaine. While the success rate of drug discharge upgrades before the NDRB is very low, Mr. Cassara put … Read more